Safe Auto Logo

Safe Auto LogoSafe Auto LogoSafe Auto Logo PNG

Safe Auto is an American automobile insurance firm, which was founded in 1993. Today the company has offices all over the USA and is considered to be one of the most reliable brands on the vehicle insurance market.

The Safe Auto visual identity resembles a car badge. The sleek emblem in red evokes a sense of power and authority.

Meaning and history

Safe Auto Logo historySafe Auto Logo history

1993 – 2006

Safe Auto Logo-1993

The logo consisted of a wordmark in two levels. The lettering in all capitals features a strong and straight sans-serif typeface with clear masculine lines.

The lower “Insurance” part is executed in thin geometric font, balancing the boldness of the “Safeauto”.

2006 – Today

The Safe Auto emblem is a stylized monogram. Both “S” and “A” are written in lowercase and connected to each other. They are drawn in similar silhouettes except for the vertical bar of the “A”. The emblem looks smooth and complete, with a little sharp element between the letters, which adds individuality to the whole logo.

The red and gray color palette of the Safe Auto logo is a representation of confidence and professionalism. It evokes a sense of energy and protection, showing the main characteristics of the company-provider of the insurance services.