Mutual of Omaha Logo

Mutual of Omaha logoMutual of Omaha logoMutual of Omaha Logo PNG

Mutual of Omaha is an American insurance group, which was organized in 1909. The corporation specializes in life and health insurance policies as well as long-term care and disability ones. Today the company has over 6 thousand employees in its nationwide offices and annual revenue of around 10 billion USD.

Meaning and history

Mutual of Omaha Logo historyMutual of Omaha Logo history

Until 2020 the visual identity of Mutual of Omaha has been based on a portrait of a Native American man, placed on a circular medallion. The image was refined and modernized several times but has never been changed. Though in 2020 the company introduced a new symbol.

1950 – 1969

Mutual of Omaha Logo 1950Mutual of Omaha Logo 1950

The original emblem for the company was created in 1950 and featured a monochrome combination of a two-leveled wordmark and a circular emblem on its right. The lettering had its “Mutual” part enlarged and executed in an elegant italicized cursive, above the extra-bold geometric “Of Omaha” in capitalized sans-serif. The Native American man on the emblem was drawn very detailed and looked determined and confident.

1969 – 1991

The redesign of 1969 made each of the Mutual Of Omaha logo elements modern and sleek. The lettering was rewritten in a smooth and chic sans/serif typeface with thick lines and open contours of the letters, while the emblem in monochrome featured a man in profile drawn in a modern way, with the minimum of accents.

1991 – 2020

In 1991 the color palette of the company’s logo was switched to blue and white and the lettering was now set in one line, with the “Of” in cursive written in a smaller size. The circular emblem now featured a thin double outline in blue and white, which made the whole image complete and balanced.


For several months in 2020, the company was using just its logotype, without a circular image. The lettering featured the same iconic typeface as in the previous versions and was still based on a combination of blue and white colors.

2020 – Today

The lines of the iconic logotype were refined in the middle of 2020, making the contours of the letters close and complete. The new emblem was set on the left from the lettering and resembled the legendary Native American man portrait. The new circular badge in solid blue featured a white image of a lion’s head on it. The animal represents strength and courage, accenting the professionalism and reliability of the company.


The company’s wordmark is executed in two different fonts, both custom. The “Mutual” and “Omaha” words are written in a bold and modern sans-serif with futuristic lines and an open contour of the letter “A”.

The “Of” of the nameplate is written in a sophisticated cursive, which adds elegance and lightness to the bold and strong logo.


Despite its geographical naming, Mutual of Omaha operates in 44 states across America, providing individual customers and businesses with a wide range of insurance and financial assistance. Today the company serves 3.8 million individual customers and 9 million members that are part of employer groups (the firm serves around 39 thousand such groups).

Mutual of Omaha Insurance Company provides insurance services. The Company offers annuities, cancer, dental, accidental, life, and disability insurance, as well as investment and retirement assistance. Mutual of Omaha Insurance serves consumers in the United States.

The group offers health, life, and annuity policies to people and families along with individual medicare and group dental products. The company is actively working on expanding its dental segment, and have included more than 200 thousand dental services providers in its list during the last few years.

Besides medicare supplement, disability, and long-term care coverage plans, the company provides investor services, such as brokerage, pension plans, and mutual funds.
