Google Classroom Logo

Google Classroom Logo PNG

Google Classroom is the name of one of the Google services, which was designed in 2015 with the idea of simplifying the learning process for schools and universities. The service provides an online space where classes can be held by teachers, with all the features like conferences, video chats, and homework assignments.

Meaning and History

Though the Google service was created in 2015, it gained its most popular during the 2020 Covid-19 pandemic, when almost all schools around the globe switched to online education. All classes from primary to high school used one of the online messenger applications, and Google Classroom has always been on top of the list.

As for the visual identity of the Google platform, unlike other products of the world-famous company, Classrooms uses a completely different style for its logo and emblem. Here you will not see the iconic Google palette, everything is simplified to emphasize the seriousness and professionalism of the application.

Moreover, the Google Classroom logo has only been redesigned once throughout the product’s history, and the corporate renovations and rebranding have not affected its style at all.

2014 – 2016

The very first logo for Google Classrooms was introduced in 2014 and stayed for a couple of years, as a trial version of the visual identity. The color palette was set as a combination of green (in two shades), white and yellow. The logo was drawn as a rectangle with rounded corners.

The body of the image was in calm light green and the thick smooth frame — in yellow. In the center of the composition you could see three schematic figures of students, with the middle one, in white, enlarged, and two others smaller and in dark green, like shades.

On the bottom right part of the logo, there was a white straight rectangle, which made the whole image look like a school blackboard.

2016 – Today

The first Google Classroom logo redesign was held in 2016, and was more a refinement, as only the color palette was enhanced and contours cleaned up, the whole idea and structure have not been changed. The frame became wider, silhouettes more distinctive and the colors were intensified.

Color and font

The Google Classroom visual identity is based solely on the graphical element, with no lettering added. As it is a product, which is only used online, the logo is as well the web and mobile app icon.

The color palette of the Google Classroom emblem consists of five shades, there three are main — green, yellow, and white; and two others are additional — darkened shades of green and yellow.

Green stands for growth, progress, and living, which perfectly suits the educational side of the application. As for white, it is a color of wisdom and professionalism, while yellow adds a sense of creativity, energy, and dynamics, another important angle of any educational process.

Google Classroom Icon

The Google Classroom icon is composed of a smooth green rectangle, which is slightly stretched horizontally. The green background features three abstract figures on it, with the large white one in the middle and two symmetrical dark greens on its sides.

The icon is enclosed into a thick yellow frame with rounded angles, which has a small white geometric stroke on its bottom right part. This mini element makes the whole icon resemble a school blackboard, perfectly representing the essence and purpose of the product.
