BigQuery Logo

BigQuery Logo PNG

BigQuery is used by organizations to analyze sales data, customer behavior, and operational metrics to make informed decisions. Meanwhile, researchers and data scientists use this service for exploratory data analysis and statistical modeling. Overall, BigQuery is a powerful tool for organizations that want to get insights from large amounts of data quickly and effectively. Its robust features, ease of use, and seamless integration within the Google Cloud ecosystem make it a popular choice for data warehousing and analytics.

Meaning and History

Although similar features have been presented by Google in the early 2000s, it introduced BigQuery as part of its Google Cloud platform in 2010. After becoming available to the public, the service acquired more useful features. One of the notable moments was in 2016 when Google integrated machine learning capabilities with BigQuery. Over the years, Google continued to enhance BigQuery by introducing features for more complex data analysis.

What is BigQuery?
BigQuery is a scalable Google Cloud solution that is designed to handle large-scale data analytics quickly and efficiently. It integrates seamlessly with other Google services like Google Cloud Storage, Google Data Studio, and machine learning tools like AI Platform and Vertex AI.


The BigQuery logo features a stylized geometric design along with the service name. A blue hexagon shape is set to the left of the name and features a white magnifying glass with three vertical lines inside. It is supposed to represent that the services allow taking a closer look at a large amount of data with ease. The name is split between two lines, where the “Google” line is printed using one font, and “BigQuery” is added as a second line. It is printed using another recognized sans-serif Google font.

Font and Color

It is not surprising to see that the logo features Google Sans Medium font by Google Inc. One can also see the iconic Google emblem done in a monochrome light gray color palette.

The color scheme primarily consists of blue and white, consistent with Google’s branding. There is also a light gray color. It is a neutral color that is considered to be a color of intellect with authoritative character. The overall look is modern and professional.
