MAGZTER is an online platform, offering the largest selection of newspapers and magazines in the world. The company was established in the United States in 2011 and today has its versions in five languages and provides its readers with more than 13 thousand magazines available online.

Meaning and history

2011 – Today

The visual identity of the famous online platform is bright and instantly recognizable. Once designed in 1011 it has never been changed, only the count out has been refined along with some experiments with a three-dimensional version were held.

The logo of the e-commerce company is composed of a wordmark with a unique emblem, which is also used as an icon for mobile applications.

The emblem depicts a stylized magazine folder, composed of two parts — green and blue. The color palette symbolizes growth, success, and reliability, showing the professional service, whose main target is providing users across the globe with the latest information.

The bright color scheme of the Magzter logo is also a representation of a wide variety of content the platform has to offer, and thousands of publishers it works with.

For the icon the same symbol is used but placed on a black background, which adds a sense of professionalism and strength, representing an influential and reputable company.


The wordmark in all capitals is executed in a bold sans-serif typeface, which is very similar to Handel Gothic with neat distinct lines and the straight cut of the edges.

Drawn in green, the inscription reflects the progress and energy of the company, showing it as an innovative and developing one.


The world’s most famous online magazine platform offers digital versions of magazines and newspapers from across the globe for mobile devices and websites. Today the e-commerce platform offers almost 13 thousand various editions from more than 3 thousand publishers.

The platform’s application is available for both iOS and Android operating systems and offers not only direct sales of the magazines but also various subscription schemes and special deals.

The online platform offers magazines and newspapers in more than 40 languages and all the possible categories — from politics and economics to weddings and pets. There is a pretty big selection of free magazines, so if you are unsure about using the service and want to try — you have such an opportunity.

The platform is loved by the publishers as has provides them with special tools, simplifying the publishing process and making it super convenient. Magzter does everything for both readers and publishers to enjoy using their application, and it is their key to success.
