Framework Logo

Framework Logo PNG

Framework is an innovative tech company established with the aim to create modular, customizable, and easily repairable consumer electronics. Founded by Nirav Patel, its flagship product is a laptop designed to challenge the prevailing industry trend of disposable electronics. The company operates primarily in the United States but has garnered global attention due to its groundbreaking designs and commitment to sustainability. By emphasizing the longevity and upgradeability of its products, Framework promotes a greener approach to technology, challenging the throwaway culture prevalent in the electronics industry.

Meaning and history

Established by Nirav Patel, Framework emerged as a revolutionary tech enterprise in recent years. Born from a vision to counteract the short-lived nature of modern electronics, its main triumph lies in the introduction of a modular laptop. This product allows users to upgrade, customize, and repair components with ease, a stark contrast to the current trend of non-repairable devices. These achievements have earned Framework significant recognition and awards within the tech community. Presently, the company is steadily growing, continually striving to pave the way for sustainable electronics and reduce e-waste worldwide.

What is Framework?
Framework is a forward-thinking tech company known for its modular laptop design. Founded by Nirav Patel, it aims to combat the e-waste crisis by offering upgradeable and repairable consumer electronics, emphasizing sustainability and longevity.

2021 – Today
