Equal Housing Logo

Equal Housing Logo PNG

The Fair Housing Act was introduced as the result of civil rights campaign against housing discrimination in the US that took place in the 1960s.

Meaning and history

If the Equal Housing logo is included in advertising, it serves as an indication that the property can be bought or rent by anyone now matter what race, religion, national origin he or she has or whether he or she belongs to the sexual minorities.


The Equal Housing Opportunity emblem depicts a house with a black outline and two horizontal bars representing the windows. Below, there is the lettering saying “Equal Housing Opportunity”.

Is it obligatory to use the symbol?

The Fair Housing Act does not require brokers to use the Equal Opportunity logo on their internet resources and ads. However, associations of realtors in many states recommend using it, because this implies that the broker has the intention to comply with fair housing laws.


The minimalistic sans serif typeface of the Equal Housing logo looks clear and perfectly legible.


The black-and-white color scheme seems appropriate as it works well on different backgrounds and within different visual contexts. So, it is flexible enough not to affect the visual identity of the broker placing it into its own ad.

Tags: buildingUSA