Engie logoEngie logoEngie Logo PNG

Engie is an electric utility company working in several spheres, from energy transition to electricity generation and distribution. It also operates in the fields of natural gas, nuclear, renewable energy, and petroleum. The company is based in La Défense, Courbevoie, France.

Meaning and history

Engie Logo historyEngie Logo history

The company was formed in 2008 as the result of the merger between Suez S.A. and Gaz de France.

2008 — 2015 (GDF Suez)

GDF Suez Logo 2008GDF Suez Logo 2008

The original name was GDF Suez, which was reflected in the earliest emblem. And yet, even though the name of the brand was different, the emblem already looked a little like the first Engie logo.
In the 2008 version, you can see the name of the brand in a casual and friendly type with rounded letters. The glyphs look as if they have been drawn by hand without much attention to preserving their traditional shape. Also, the strokes vary greatly in thickness, as if they have been made with something soft (like a brush) rather than a pencil or a pen.
Below, there is a teal swoosh, which echoes the shape of the glyphs.

2015 — present (Engie)

The name of the brand is now placed below the swoosh. The swoosh, in its turn, has been turned upside down and has grown thicker. It now looks more like an arc. Some of the most obvious associations can be the rising sun or (if you take into consideration the color) the upper part of the Earth. The arc shape adds an upward motion and the concept of something emerging, growing, developing.
The overall style of the script has remained unchanged, yet all the letters were redrawn.


The typeface leaves a casual, relaxed, and friendly feel. Also, the “i” resembles a burning torch, which is a meaningful association for an energy company.


The palette of the 2015 Engie logo combines several shades of light blue. It is the color traditionally associated with natural gas, one of the fields in which the company works. Also, it is the color that represents the Earth (as the blue planet) with all its energy supplies. From the psychological point of view, the color of the sky evokes a tranquil, calm, and peaceful feeling, which is also beneficial for the brand.