Designing Effective Logos for Educational Institutions

A memorable school logo design helps to build an educational organization’s brand identity. In a competitive market, the logo has to make a good first impression. It will appear on the school website, in promotional campaigns and in many other places. Consistency everywhere it appears is essential and it needs to be versatile. When thinking about how to make a school logo, there are various factors that you need to consider.

Designing Effective Logos for Educational Institutions

Understand the school brand

You need to understand the school brand to design a school logo. You will design logos differently for a childcare facility, high school, university, coaching center or educational startup. Gathering information about the purpose of the school, what students it targets, and its future plans can help you to come up with a suitable design concept.

When coming up with school branding ideas, it is important to define what makes a school different from others. The logo plays a part in telling the story of the school and conveying its core values.

Check out the competition

Browsing through the logo designs of educational institutions of a similar nature can help to give you more idea of what to create. You obviously won’t copy designs, but you can gain inspiration from them. For example, you may find out more about what kinds of designs, colors and fonts are most appropriate for educational logo design.

Use essay editing services

If you’re a student and you design logos part-time, you may find it difficult to cope with writing and editing assignments. Essay editors at caEdubirdie offer university essay editing services online. These editors have an education and experience in editing, so they have a way of making things perfect. Your grades won’t suffer because your essays are full of mistakes that could easily be fixed.


Designing Effective Logos

Keep the design simple

Many educational institutions do not have overly complex logo designs. It is possible to convey a strong brand message using only a few simple elements. The use of too many colors or fonts can create confusion. Educational institutions need a logo that conveys a professional image, and simplicity can help to achieve this.

A clean, simple design is often best because it has to be easily adaptable to a number of different platforms and uses. The popularity of monograms (a combination of two alphabetic letters) and single-letter logos is increasing.

Choose a good color combination

The colors of a logo evoke certain emotions in those who look at them. Logos that are full of energy and bright colors are suited to younger students because they evoke fun and enjoyment. Reliability and quality are evoked by darker, more muted colors.

For older students, blue is a more appropriate color. Alternating primary and secondary colors like blue and gold can be very effective, such as in the logo of Notre Dame. Adults respond better to one or two-tone logos.

Select fonts with high readability

You need to carefully select the font you use for any logo text. Some of the best school logos have simple fonts that are easy to read. Choosing the right font helps to convey the identity of the school. This is even more important if you base the logo on its name.

Some historic academic institutions feature old-fashioned uppercase Serif fonts. These fonts aren’t easy to read in different sizes. Today most education logos use sans serif fonts that are easier to read, even at a small size.

Use icons and images wisely

History and tradition can be valuable selling points in some target markets. Some academic institutions like Oxford and Harvard have rich, lengthy histories. The use of shields and crests can create a more “traditional” feel even if a school doesn’t have that long a history. Shields and crests often use imagery like laurel leaves or swords that evoke the past.

Other imagery associated with education includes owls, books, writing materials etc. Another common image is a tree because it symbolizes growth. Choosing imagery wisely is important because it only takes a split second to recognize which is quicker than any text you use.


When thinking about how to create a good logo for an educational institution, keep in mind that it must make it stand out and get students excited about enrolling there. The design, colors, fonts and images you use will all convey a unique impression. Simple designs with one or two colors and easy-to-read fonts are often the most successful. Education logo designs also have to look good in a variety of settings, so responsive design is crucial.

Author’s Bio

John Marlow practices regularly, interacts with experienced writers and attends writing conferences regularly. This is all to make sure that he is always on top of his job and that his essay samples are liked by every student who refers to them. With time, he has achieved a level as a writer that very few reach and students find him one of the best in the field.

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