As Seen On TV Logo

As Seen On TV Logo PNG

The phrase “As Seen On TV” is typically used as a nameplate for products advertised on TV in the US for direct-response mail-order that can be placed with the help of a phone number. This category of trade was created by TeleBrands, a company based in Fairfield, New Jersey. Today, several companies are working in this segment, including Time-Life, Space Bag, and Thane, to name just a few.

Meaning and history

The As Seen On TV logo features a standardized red seal in the shape of a CRT television screen. Inside, there is the name of the brand in white. The letters come from a plain sans. The glyphs “T” and” V” are by far larger than the rest of the writing.
The legendary red-and-white logo was created by Ajit “A.J.” Khubani, the CEO of TeleBrands. He did not protect the design legally. In a 2014 interview for the Philadelphia Business Journal, he mentioned that he still considered “it turned out to be a good thing” as the design “became iconic.” He also noted that by this, they managed to introduce “the first public-platform brand.”
The color scheme of the As Seen On TV logo is supposed to be an intentional allusion to the logo of the TV Guide magazine.
