Adecco logoAdecco logoAdecco Logo PNG

The Adecco Group is a Human Resources provider and temporary staffing firm. The company is headquartered in Zurich, Switzerland, and has over 5,200 branches in more than 60 countries and territories.

Meaning and history

Adecco logoAdecco logo

The Group was created as the result of the merger of Adia and Ecco in 1996. Adia SA was established in Lausanne, Switzerland, in 1957, while Ecco was established in Lyon, France, in 1996.
The current Adecco logo is rather clean, memorable, and business-like. It is dominated by the capital “A.” It looks slightly unusual due to the combination of the bold and thin strokes, as well as its shortened middle bar.
Below, there is the full name of the Group in a plain sans. Between the two parts, there is a thin horizontal line in teal.


The all-caps sans serif type used for the name of the brand may look pretty generic. Yet, it is highly legible and is serious enough to fit a large company whose clients are, in their turn, also large companies. Choosing such a traditional type is another way of saying “reliable” and “serious.”


The typographical part of the Adecco logo is black, while the background is white. This part of the palette is as old as the typography itself. And yet, the logo becomes memorable due to the original teal or aqua accent. While making the design more unique, it doesn’t sacrifice its serious business style.