Image сonverter GIF to PNG

< 10MB 0/10


GIF (Graphical Interchange Format File)

The GIF format was created in the early days of the Internet for image sharing. It can store lossless compressed images in up to 256 colors. GIF format is ideal for drawings and graphs, and also supports transparency and animation. Graphics Interchange Format is a format for exchanging graphical data in animation form, which can be converted. GIFs usually have a small size, otherwise, their upload will be long, and the file will take a lot of memory and cache on the device. A GIF looks like a silent video or animated image (icon, icon, picture, text).

PNG (Portable Network Graphic)

The PNG format was created to both enhance and replace the GIF format with a graphic format that does not require a license to use. Unlike GIF, PNG has alpha channel support and the ability to store an unlimited number of colors. PNG compresses data without losses, making it very useful for storing intermediate versions of image processing. Portable Network Graphics is a convenient format to place the file in an electronic document if it does not need to be printed later. PNG is completely unsuitable for printing, hence you have to convert it to print.