Home›Quiz Updated: Jun 11, 2024Guess the date of the Manchester United logo/8 Guess the date of the Manchester United logoGuess the date of the Manchester United logo 1 / 8Guess the date of the Manchester United logo 1909 1902 1998 2 / 8Guess the date of the Manchester United logo 1978 1998 1909 3 / 8Guess the date of the Manchester United logo 1978 1960 1909 4 / 8Guess the date of the Manchester United logo 1940 1909 1960 5 / 8Guess the date of the Manchester United logo 1878 1978 1998 6 / 8Guess the date of the Manchester United logo 1940 1909 1998 7 / 8Guess the date of the Manchester United logo 1940 1909 1998 8 / 8Guess the date of the Manchester United logo 1973 1909 1960 Your score is 0% Restart quiz Join the Newsletter to get our latest content by email. SIGN UPQuiz Car logo with WingsQuiz Car logos with CrownGuess the Most famous shoe brands and logos